This is YOUR Season. It’s time, my friend, to CULTIVATE U.

Let’s dig-in together and discover what’s keeping you locked-up tighter than The Secret Garden and unearth the tools to keep you growing and blooming true in every season.

My Secret Garden Story

Hello Everybody! I’m Keri Wilt, a speaker, writer, and heart cultivator with a soul full of sunshine who’s on a mission to help you flourish.

That’s because not long ago, I looked down and discovered that my life had become an over-planted mess that was choking out my relationships, creativity, and purpose. I was irritable, exhausted, and watering everything but myself.

That’s when some soul-searching journal time and a late-night re-reading of my great-great-grandmother’s classic book The Secret Garden unearthed this Well-Tended Life Truth: That EVERY locked-up, weed-filled, withering life can bloom and grow again with the help of a little magic.

Now I am not talking about the kind of magic that needs a wand and a trick top hat. I am talking about a dig in, make room, prune away, work on, water well, weed, and feed your soul kind of life-tending magic that I can’t wait to share with you.

“Where you tend a rose…a thistle cannot grow.” - The Secret Garden



Wanna grow together, follow the button below! Every so often, I send out quick notes to my WTL Friends with inside information on growth, goodness, and general goings on that you won’t want to miss!


The diligent work of daily, weekly, and seasonal tending is a key that can unlock dreams, unearth gifts, revive relationships, and help us bloom into our truest selves.

I love sharing with audiences how if they are willing to get their hands dirty and commit to living a Well-Tended Life, with the help of just a little bit of work-magic, they can grow practically anything!

I’m also a historical lecturer and beyond privileged to tell intimate stories about my great-great-grandmother, prolific author Frances Hodgson Burnett, and of the life she tended inside her own Secret Garden walls.

Are you looking for a unique speaker? I would love to be a part of your next event!

What They Say

"She's engaging, authentic, and funny, delivering powerful lessons from the garden that are applicable to my daily life. I walked away energized and motivated!"

- Ashley Brown

Florida, Audience Member

"Keri Wilt sheds light on the secrets to uncovering your potential and finding your true calling. Her dynamic and soulful speaking style gets to the root of some of life's most challenging hurdles and encourages each of us to bloom true."

- Lisa H. Field

Founder and Director of Lucky Star Art Camp for Women, Key-Note Address

"What a JOY! Keri's energy, humor, and passion for FHB is infectious, and our audience truly appreciated what she brought to us."

- Dan Knechtges

TUTS Houston, Artistic Director, History Presentation/Meet and Greet and post-performance Audience Talk Back

Let's Get Tending Together.

Partnership, Press, Podcast, Sponsorship or Speaking inquiries? Click below!



This by-far is the most important tool in my Life-Gardening Shed! It’s a growth chart, reflection diary, planting reminder, observation deck, and research notebook all rolled into one. When used daily, this journal practice is a life-gardening game changer, guaranteed to produce big, beautiful, purpose-filled blooms in any season.

Grab the Journaling Template or Register for the Class today! Both are FREE for a limited time, so dig-in for your best Well-Tended Life!

The Well-Tended Life Podcast

Intentional Living Inspired by The Secret Garden

Listen (you should really listen), a Well-Tended Life is not a set it and forget it life, nor is it a perfect life. It is worked on every day, in the sunshine and through the storms. And the truth is, what worked in our life-gardens last season, may not work in the next. That’s why here at The WTL, we interview people who have grown and bloomed true in a variety of seasons and are willing to share their well-tended wisdom and weed-whacking advice with us!

Do you know someone we should interview? Message us about them here!